Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Everything about Camprea’s features, cost, automation, set-up and more.
You have doubts or more questions about our solution for camper areas? Don’t know if or where to start with your camper area? Book a totally free and without obligation online call with us. We are happy to answer your questions and provide you with our thoughts and recommendations.
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Yes. Your customers can reserve and pay in advance for their stay. Via the reservation link that you can send them or that can be included in any website or social media page, customers can indicate their desired period, see if there is availability, reserve and pay. Read more in our use cases section.
Yes. The app can deliver codes to customers as soon as they have paid. This can be Wi-Fi codes or codes for other services such as showers or waste containers. The code is delivered by email or by sms.
With certain systems it is also possible to provide customers with specific wifi codes that only work for the duration that they have paid for.
That’s possible. There are several possibilities to achieve this.
The simplest way is to close use these services with a simple physical code lock or keypad with a static code and visitors will receive the code via the app and the via the email/sms with the area information. This is a simple and pragmatic approach. The downside is that the code is the same for everyone and that you need to change it manually from time to time.
A more advanced way is to use Camprea’s smart access controller in combination with a keypad. Access codes will then be individual and each code will only be valid for the time that guests have paid for. With the Camprea smart access controller you can also issue specific codes that are always valid, for example for staff or for residential users.
On the infopanel there will always be a phone number that customers can call in case of problems. This can be a phone number you provide, or it can be routed to our 24/7 multilanguage call service. They will answer the phone in your name and help the customer manually to register and pay.
They can manually register the guests and provide them with a classic wire transfer payment link. They can also remotely open the gate if you allow them to do so. You can of course also choose to ensure this service yourself.
It is even possible to use our helpline on a temporary basis, for example when you are on holiday, or only at night. The call service can operate in English, Dutch, French, German and Spanish
Yes. Their access code remains valid throughout the duration of their stay. This is both the case with the 24h system as with check-in and check-out times.
Yes. You can choose to work with earliest check-in and latest check-out times, or with a 24 hour system.
With the 24 hour system customers can stay periods of 24 hour from the moment they actually registered. For example if they register at 13h30 for one day, they can access and leave the area until 13h30 of the next day.
With the check-in check-out system, customers can not enter the area before the time of your earliest check-in and they need to leave before the time of latest check-out.
In both systems, customers are clearly informed about the time they need to leave. If they exceed this time (you can define a certain margin or grace period) they will need to pay for an extra day.
Independently of which system you choose, you can also define the possibility to pay for servicing only. In that case, guests get an access for 1 hour or more, according to your settings. Please note that if you want to accept reservations with prepayment, we recommend to work with check-in and check-out times.
In the management application you can see at any time the list of all your motorhome area guests, when they arrived, how much they paid and until when they are registered. That list is easily compared with a visual check on site or on camera.
In addition, there is a specific access screen for employees (or for law enforcement for public motorhome areas), adapted for use on a tablet or mobile phone. This allows -without having to have access to other options or data – to easily and quickly check who paid for what and until when.
Optionally it is possible to integrate an ANPR camera that reads all incoming and outgoing licence plates. In that case a comparison is made between all vehicules that entered and all vehicules that have registered, and the ones that did not register are highlighted.
But depending on your situation it could then be more interesting to consider a connected automatic barrier.
You can define various pricing models for your guests. From a simple price per day to combinations with or without electricity and/or depending on the number of people. For example of 18 euro/day + 3 euro for each person above 2. According to your settings, a day can be exactly 24 hours or can count from earliest check-in to latest check-out time.
When you sign up, we will assign a unique phone number to your camper area. This will always be a local number. That number can be shown on the information panel or other places. The helpdesk will answer the phone on your behalf and they will then execute a script that has been agreed with you and according to your way of working.
Their usual way of working is to help the customer register and pay. If required, they can also register guests manually and provide them with a classic bank transfer payment link. They can also open the gate remotely if you allow them to do so.
It is even possible to use our helpline on a temporary basis, for example when you are on holiday, or only at night. The service is available in English, Dutch, French, German and Spanish.
We have several layers of support.
Included in your standard software subscription is support during business hours. That means that we help you if there is a problem with the application or if you have a question or need assistance with a setting or a specific feature.
Also included are new versions. We continuously improve and expand the application, and where possible we also integrate feature requests from our customers like you.
We guarantee an uptime of at least 99,5%. For detailed conditions we refer to our terms & conditions.
If your system was installed by one of our resellers or partners, then they will also propose an on-site maintenance contract on the infrastructure.
Optionally, your guests can benefit of a 24/7 helpline in 4 languages. The helpline can assist guest to check-in or to check-out, they can open the gate, register customer data and more. The helpline can operate autonomously or complimentary to your own service (for example you answer the phone during the day and during he night or on holidays, they answer for you).
Camprea is a scalable and modular solution that adapts to your needs, so we can serve any size of area. Currently, or smallest customer is a free public camper parking with only 4 parking spots and our largest customer is a private area with over 70 pitches.
As a minimum we need to register the licence plate and email address of the guest. Optionally the guest can choose to provide a mobile phone number. If there is an additional price/guest we also register the number of people accompanying the main guest.
But depending on the region in which you are located, there may be additional rules around registering overnight guests. For example, in some countries it is mandatory by law to register not only the name and the license plate but also the address, identity card number and so on. At the start-up you can inform us what data must be registered and we will set up the app for you so that this data must be entered at the registration.
If this data is required for all visitors and not only for the main visitor, the app allow the visitor to enter this data afterwards. In this way, the visitor can pay and enter and then complete the data later.
You have the possibility to generate all kinds of reports at any time, including the necessary lists for the authorities.
A camera connection is not mandatory, and practical experience learned us that the added value is interesting but also limited. ANPR camera readings are still not 100% error free (they do achieve about 98% in controlled area’s). And also customers sometimes make mistakes when they enter their licence plate. So you will still need some possibility for manual intervention.
For places where no staff is physically present, a cheap classic visual camera system is just as sufficient and much cheaper. If you still think that your motorhome area requires integrated ANPR cameras, it is alway possible to add and integrate those later.
Yes. We have many autonomous public camper areas among our customers. These include paid areas with and without barrier and also many free public areas.
Free public camper areas and camper parkings use Camprea’s solution for several reasons:
- To improve the image of the city or commune and stimulate local economy by providing information via the app to registered users. This can be static information, like regulations or more dynamic information about the local market, events and so on. It is also possible to integrate discount vouchers.
- In some countries, to comply with legal obligations to register overnight visitors
- To get information and statistics about the use of the area
- To obtain respect for the environment and for the rules about discharging waste and wastewater by providing clear information.
- To have an emergency communication channel to area guests, for example to notify people in case of an evacuation.
- To improve the objective and subjective safety on a free camper area
When there are problems, local authorities often hesitate between closing a camper area or making it payable. Camprea offers an in-between solution for these situations. It allows them to keep the area open and free while dealing with the issues without considerable investments.
Camprea is a scalable and modular solution that adapts to your needs, so we can serve any size of area. Currently, or smallest customer is a free public camper parking with only 4 parking spots and our largest customer is a private area with over 70 pitches.
& INstall
Camprea is a scalable and modular solution that adapts to your needs. As a bare minimum you need a software licence (only 529 euro/year excl. vat for a paid site or 445 euro/y excl. vat or a free public site) and an information panel on your site. With that, you can already accept ad-hoc arrivals, reservations, payments and everything you need to operate a camper area. Some of our most succesful commercial area’s work with only that. Then it depends on your wishes and needs.
To connect a barrier or gate you need a Camprea access controller. With that guests can open the gate with a button on their phone and you can also remotely open it. You can optionally connect one or two keypads to the controller, so guests can also open the gate with their personal code.
To automate electricity you also need a controller. A controller is integrated in a distribution box and drives up to 4 power outlets.
We also work with manufacturers that have integrated Camprea’s controllers in their access totems or distribution poles. They supply fully configured, cabled and tested systems like access totems and distribution systems.
To obtain a free configuration scheme adapted to your needs and a price quote, please contact us or one of our accredited installers. We will provide you with a tailored configuration and price proposal, without any obligation of course.
Camprea is currently available in Belgium, France, Spain and The Netherlands. We also have installation partners and resellers in these countries. We are expanding all the time, so if you are located in another country, contact us and we will find a solution.
The typical delay from order to launch depends on the type of installation. A site without any connected device can be operational within about 10 days. This includes the time required to design and deliver an information panel.
If an existing barrier or gate needs to be connected and you can install the controllers yourself: add about 2 weeks for configuration and sending the controller.
To install a full new system, including barrier, electricity distribution, access totem and other connected systems, the delay depends on the planning of the reseller/installer. Typically it is always less than 2 months after ordering.
To order, you will need to complete our onboarding form. That includes various questions about your area, your preferences, various marketing texts, pricing and so on. We will initially configure the whole system and you will be able to test and approve it before launch.
Camprea operates with a network of Value Added Resellers and installers.
We believe in the value of customer proximity and experience. Manufacturers integrate Camprea’s access controller and software in their solutions like automatic barriers or distribution columns. We support installers and help them to offer tailored solutions.
You can buy directly from us if you only need the software (for example for a public unpaid site) or if you ensure the full installation yourself.
If you have connected devices like a barrier, gate or electricity/water distribution we strongly recommend buying from a reseller/installer close to you. There is no price difference and you benefit from local support.
Camprea has an extensive network of installers and distributors in different countries.